Mastering Bowling: Essential Techniques and Troubleshooting for Achieving a Superior Game

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The journey towards excellence in any sport isn’t merely about ‘repeating what you’re already proficient at’. In the realm of bowling, for instance, the practice ideally originates from your weakest zones, which can pose quite a challenge and discomfort. However, it’s a situation that you must endure as progress is a slow and gradual process. … Read more

Perfecting Your Bowling Stance: Tips on Head, Shoulder, and Foot Positioning

a woman playing bowling

Bowling performance improves with proper head, shoulder, and foot positioning. Keeping your head steady with a downward chin and steady gaze aids swing and force exertion. A slightly lowered bowling shoulder relaxes posture, enhancing force transmission. Meanwhile, the right foot’s angle, around 7 to 8 o’clock when viewed from behind, affects body alignment and ball direction—lifting it can strengthen the release. Recording and analyzing one’s posture can help refine these aspects for a smoother, more effective bowling technique.