Mastering the Art of Bowling: Understanding and Using Timing Tape

From everyday bowling enthusiasts to professional bowlers participating in tournaments, timing tape has always been perceived as an essential item in the world of bowling. Primarily, timing tape is utilized to protect the nails and create consistent timing during the game. It’s not uncommon to see bowlers, especially those who apply short strips of tape to their thumb. However, it’s worth noting that this could be a misguided practice. To truly reap the benefits of taping, such as protecting the ligaments and preventing injuries during play, it’s crucial to meticulously apply the tape below the root of the thumb.

The Role and Proper Placement of Timing Tape

A bowling ball features a hole for the thumb. Despite the thumb’s non-circular shape, this hole is typically round. Hence, when you insert your thumb into the hole, it may fit on the sides but not at the top and bottom. This is where timing tape comes in handy to adjust the size of the hole.

The Importance of Tape for the Middle and Ring Fingers

Consideration for taping the middle and ring fingers is also necessary. If the tape’s end faces your palm or the side, it can easily fall off. Therefore, it’s advisable to have the tape’s end facing the back of your hand. Before taping, ensure your hands are clean. Dust, bacteria, and oils can be present on your hands, so washing and drying them before applying the tape will prevent it from falling off easily. However, be aware that reapplying the tape once it’s been removed can decrease its adhesive strength.

If you have sweaty hands causing the tape to fall off easily, you can use finger coating products, although they are relatively expensive. Alternatively, applying a small amount of clear nail polish and letting it dry before applying the tape can provide some adhesion.

It’s a common misconception that wrapping tape around the middle and ring fingers will increase lifting. Starting with tape might reduce finger sensitivity. When you want to increase the intensity of your lifting or protect your fingers, that’s when you can use tape for your middle and ring fingers.

When removing the tape, avoid touching the adhesive surface with your fingers. This could cause the tape to fall off easily. It’s more advisable to tear off the tape, ensuring the adhesive surface doesn’t touch your hand.

Choosing the Right Tape

When selecting tape, various factors should be considered. You have the option between shiny timing tape made of silk material and matte products. Using shiny tape can speed up your timing, while matte tape, with its higher friction due to printing, can slow it down compared to shiny products.

Furthermore, tapes can be distinguished by the texture of the fabric. Each tape can have a different level of friction. Typically, tapes with a large texture surface can have strong friction, potentially slowing down the timing. In contrast, smooth materials like silk can help to speed up the timing.

There are also roll-type products. These are characterized by their smooth surface, slightly speeding up the timing. Additionally, insert tapes are available in different sizes (like 1 inch, 3/4 inch, etc.), and their usage and effects can vary depending on the size. Even insert tape isn’t a one-time application for lifetime use. In summer, the adhesive can melt or slide off, so it’s recommended to replace it at least once every two weeks, regardless of how long it’s been in use. The adhesive can be cleaned with alcohol. Proper tape management like this can make your bowling safer and more effective.

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